Mark Weinman as 'Luke'
Mark Weinman as 'Luke'
Oil on Linen
75 x 70cm

One of 5 portraits commissioned for the BBC Arts & Avalon Production of Katherine Parkinson's debut play Sitting, first performed as part of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2018 and for the Arcola Theatre, London in Spring 2019.

Mark Weinman, the subject of this portrait, appears both as himself, an actor performing the role of Luke for the artist Roxana Halls and simultaneously as his character Luke, sitting for the fictitious artist John, the unseen painter at the center of the play.

This portrait, alongside 2 others created especially for each run of the play, are finally revealed in Sitting's final scene.

'Do you even need me here? I think you do. Actually.' Luke, Cassandra and Mary are sitting. They sit weekly for their portraits and, in a series of revealing sessions, end up sharing their funny and moving tales of love, longing and loss. Sitting is the debut play by BAFTA Award-winning actress Katherine Parkinson. Her many credits include The IT Crowd, Doc Martin, The Honourable Woman and Humans."